Secrets To a Long & Happy Marriage!!!

In every disagreement in a marriage, remember this one important truth: My spouse is my partner not my enemy. We will either win together or loose together.

  • Remember great marriage doesn’t happen by luck or by accident. They’re a result of couple’s choices, attitudes and habits. There are a few habits of happy couples which I would like to share in this blog:
  • Happy couples also have disagreements but they never look at each other as enemies. They do remember that they are partners and their relationship is far more important than whatever they are arguing about! You need to know the fact that if I win you win!
  • Happy couples do not lose their patience with each other, Love is being patient with your spouse and so your patience is one of the most practical ways you can display your love.
  •  Happy couples don’t keep score of the past and so harmony flows freely in their marriage, so bitterness never has an opportunity to take root. They are quick in seeking and giving forgiveness to each other. Remember – Love and bitterness cannot live together in the same heart. And so, you must decide which one gets to stay.
  • Happy couples remember that the tone of their words will shape the tone of their relationship. Your words to your spouse matter, but the tone in which you speak those words matters just as much.
  • Happy couples support each other’s dreams as their own. If something is important to your spouse then you must choose to make it important to you as well.
  • Happy couples face struggles too but they often look at struggle as an opportunity to work together and make a way out of the struggle together. Every struggle in your life will become a story someday, it will either be a story about how you got stronger and sustained or a story about why you gave up! You can’t always choose your struggle but you can choose which story becomes true.
  • Happy couples are thankful to each other every day and that they are together. Each new day is an opportunity to begin afresh and make the most of it.
  • Happy couples make it a priority to spend time together. Time is the currency of relationships, so invest time into your marriage.

In the end…

Fight less, cuddle more.

Demand less, serve more.

Text less, talk more.

Criticize less, compliment more.

Stress less, laugh more.

A great relationship doesn’t happen because of the love you had in the beginning but how well you continue building your love until the end.



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