Getting rid of mildew during the monsoon

Is your monsoon mood getting dampened by that musty odor coming from your clothes and cupboard?

Have no fear as team ItemMom is here with some simple tricks that will help you attack the mildew with full vengeance!!!

Don’t stock pile dirty/wet clothes to wash laterclothes hanging

It is always better to wash dirty or drenched clothes as soon as possible. The more it stays in the laundry basket or the washing machine, the odor increases. If you cannot wash the clothes immediately, then hang them to dry till you have time to wash them.



Vinegar/Baking Sodavinegar

Adding of vinegar or baking soda into the wash cycle with a fresh smelling detergent acts a catalyst and neutralizes the damp smell.


These can be used in cupboards and bathrooms. A dehumidifier sucks the dampness out of the air and leaves it fresh & odorless.  It also lowers the humidity in the room which prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Fresh air/Sunlightfresh air-sunlight

Open up your closets, closed rooms and cabinets to air them out. Lack of fresh air can cause your wardrobe and rooms to develop a horrible damp odor. Proper sunlight and air kills bacteria and fungi along with bad odor.


Hydrochloric acidHCL

This was is exclusively for bathrooms only. Hydrochloric acid works great on musty bathrooms as it is more aggressive on fungi and is also one of the best cleaning solutions available.

Room freshener/ scented candles/incense sticksIMG_20160627_152415

These are instant reliefs from the horrid smell; however they are not long lasting. We need to attack the cause of the mildew/dampness at the root to get rid of the odor completely.




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