Keeping the kids engaged!!!

Have you been using the Television too often to pacify your children? Have you ever thought why your children have the least interest in general knowledge or nature? Then its time you took them out! Children learn by example and it’s your responsibility to divert their interests to better things than to stare at the idiot box.

Kids who are busy have enhanced skillsets, have much to talk about and share, developing their self-esteem better than the others. Activity keeps them occupied and happy rather than being bored. Its boredom and idleness that causes most of the problems in kids

Parents who take special interest in their children’s upbringing, regularly follow simple methods which we share here that each one of us may follow.

outing_with_kids_imageOutings: Parents wishing to spend time with their kids insist on staying at home the entire weekend. Is that good enough? Watching television with your kids is fine sometimes but why not take them out? Not to the movies or the mall and not even dining out! Take them to a sanctuary, a zoo or a museum instead or plan a hike or a long drive to some new place. If interested in sports, you could all go for a swim, play volleyball at the beach, go snorkelling or play any other sport you wish to.



Get Creative: Most kids enjoy craft and drawing. It’s a great idea to begin teaching them or even learning with them! You may join hobby classes or get books to help you out. Not only will your weekends be enjoyable but you and your kid will begin sharing a new liking.




Develop a Hobby: We may have collected stamps and coins as kids, why not revive those hobbies now? Your kid will get valuable information while you both will have something interesting to talk about. Also, cultivating such hobbies requires small purchases as well as safe-keeping, which shall help teach your kid about cost, value and saving.


Play Outdoors: Games such as Badminton and Football are so much fun when played with family! It is not only an aerobic exercise but your will kids get some sun and fresh air in the open. Don’t forget to praise them for all good shots as that will keep them interested in the game. At the same time, smile with pride when you lose.


gardening_with_kids_imageMake Work Fun: There are these chores which can be fun when done together, especially on weekends. You may begin with washing the car with your kids, do some gardening with them and paint the fence together or get busy fixing things around the house. Just as barbecues are fun, you may put some fun in cooking a Sunday meal as well.




Apart from these, there are many other fun things to do together with your children. Only remember to teach them right and appreciate them when they do it right!


Image courtesy – (outing with family image) (crafts with kids image) Youtube (stamp collection image) (outdoor games image) (gardening image)


  1. Suman Aggrawal says:

    There is a new rule in our home since this new year that every evening we at least spend one hour if not more wherein the entire family sits in the drawing and we either read a book or draw/paint. We call it the ‘Library time’…

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