Do we have it all?

Women have come a long way – they are educated, independent and above all perfect managers (juggling between home and work). They also make great mothers, daughters and wives but have we ever asked ourselves – Do we have it all? The answer to this will certainly make you feel guilty.

Managing time for a working woman is the key to her happiness. Having said that, every day is a new challenge for a working woman who is loaded with loads of domestic responsibilities. Ask any women what she wishes for and she will certainly exclaim a million hands to work and a hundred hours a day!

However, life doesn’t work that way. We only have two hands to work and our day has only 24 hours. Time is the key essence, and a little effort and smart time-management becomes the requisite key to unlock a challenging day! Time management is synonymous with self management. Self management plays a rather important role and so the power lies in you. When it comes to office and home, we need to figure out how to balance. Here are some useful tips on time management for a working woman:

Prioritize: The key is to Prioritize, make your ‘To-Do list’ and break them into 3 categories: Must-do-List

  1. Urgent tasks that needs to be completed by the end of the day.
  2. Important tasks which should be done as time allows
  3. Tasks which can be completed on a holiday

Prioritizing ensures that my available time is always spent on the most urgent matters, and as time allows, I can easily knock out additional tasks that may be less time sensitive.

Learn to Multi-Task

Always look for ways to be productive while you wait! Every morning while you wait for your tea to boil, water the plants or use that time to pack your lunch for the day. While waiting for water to boil, you can empty the dishwasher. While on the phone, clean your desk or fold a load of laundry.

A Chore A Day Keeps the House at Bay

Take out 10 to 15 minutes each day for a single household chore like dusting, vacuuming the main rooms or cleaning a bathroom. This will keep the house tidy, without requiring additional time over the weekend.

Plan your meals in advance

Each night before bed I plan all our meals for the next day. This allows advanced planning and helps me identify any potential ingredients I may be missing and need to pick up on my way home the following day.

Combining Work & Play

Finding ways to make your chores more enjoyable will increase your chances of actually completing them! I now save all my ironing for the weekends, where my husband and I will put on a good movie, and I tackle the ironing as we watch.

We cannot deny that our lives has got busier but is it the lack of time management that makes us feel that way? Take an in-depth look and see how you can apply these strategies to slow it down and be a better manager!






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  1. Ronny Singh says:

    Super Woman 🙂

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