5 Life-Skills That Are Really Important

With the changing times, we must ensure that our kids are self reliant by the time they leave the nest to fly on their own. Along with academics, there are few other skills that these kids must be well aware off before they get on their own for a successful living.

Below are the few important things that every tween and teens must know.

humanity-passionHumanity/Compassion – This is the most important one. Kids are intrinsically kindhearted but they eventually learn to lose humanity and compassion. It is our job to nurture that innate empathy and compassion. Tweens/teens can be taken to assisted living facility wherein they can volunteer for one day a week or so to help out. The same can be achieved by taking them to shelters where they learn to respect animals and understand that they have feelings too.


personal-financePersonal Finance – Kids must understand the value of credit scores and how it will affect your financial abilities. Credit card and loan interests and how they are calculated. How savings and other investments work and how all this totally affects a person’s financial status.


basic-cookingBasic cooking – This is important for all genders. Every tween and teen should know enough so that they don’t starve in case of emergency. The idea is not to force your kid to be Master Chef Junior but a tween should start to learn how to make a basic meal for him or herself. Of course the teachers need to be absolutely vigilant and supervise every step initially so that they learn to use the appliances safely.


gardeningGardening – It is important that children learn from an early age the value of plants and how it will only make our lives better. Basic gardening skills would include how to plant a sapling and how to take care of it by watering it and giving it Sunlight. The class could include planting flowers and vegetables as well.


mental-sportsMental Sports – Along with physical sports, kids should be made aware of mental sports like Chess and Bridge. This helps in developing their analytical skills and strategy creating ability.



Image courtesy – http://www.healinghearts.net.au (main image)   https://udaipurtimes.com  http://www.lifeway.com  https://www.whatsuplife.in  http://www.sde.ct.gov http://www.desitoys.in

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