10 things that will help children prepare for exams!!!

Coming closer to exam time, let’s not fret. Mothers should keep in mind that our stress levels directly affect our children. Here are ten tips that should help parents and children get through exams smoothly.

Exam Schedule:

Pin up the examination timetable and note the date and time of each paper so that you will be aware of and prepared for the next test and ensure that your child reaches the examination hall on time.

Checklist: Before going to bed at night check the list of exam requirements – writing instruments, erasers, rulers etc.

Eat Right: Ensure that your child stays away from junk food a few weeks before the exam and eats only home-cooked nutritious meals. Food and drinks greatly affects performance, especially those involving mental sharpness. You should also stock up the refrigerator with healthy snacks for your child’s breaks. On the days of exam, make sure to feed your child a healthy breakfast which isn’t greasy, oily or sweet as fattening food dulls the mind.

Daily Routine: Children should have a balanced routine especially before and during exams. Organise their routine with a healthy balance between study, play and relaxation.

Discuss but don’t Dwell: After every exam, discuss the paper and your child’s day but don’t dwell on it as doing so will only raise stress your stress levels and your child’s too.

Help them Revise: Asking questions such as “What happened when” before a History paper, Dictation or quick grammar questions for Languages or solving ‘Fill in the blanks’ orally for Sciences, may help your child prepare for the next exam.

Good night’s Sleep:

Let your child unwind for an hour after studies and before bedtime. Falling right into bed from the study desk hampers sleep quality as the mind continues to be in study mode whereas your child attempts to fall asleep. Late night studies are better avoided so that the mind and body are rested and recharged.

Study Breaks: Isolation during examination isn’t really good for the child’s well being. Let them take study breaks to contact their peers and maintain family conversations, as doing so will keep them updated while the family support shall help lift their spirits. Short walks and exercises also help to release their exam stress and to clear their minds.

Keep Calm: Let the atmosphere in your house be as calm and pleasant as possible. Avoid any kind of arguments or disturbances to affect your child, also try spending more time at home before and during exams. Avoid making demands or expecting too much from them with regards to household chores – let them focus on their study.

Assurance and Support: Let your children know that your love for them is not dependent on their grades or marks and assure them that no matter what the results are, nothing will change between you both.support-assurance-image







Image Courtesy – http://www.purcellmarian.org (main image) http://www.northstaracademy.ca  http://www.miumiuborse.com http://www.greatbeginningslc.com

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