Introducing Your New Born To Your Family Dog


Having a dog in the house may help protect your baby against allergies. However, many dogs who have not spent time around children may find babies utterly confusing. This is normal. Be true to yourself and understand whether you can control your dog at all times and it is better to start early. If you do it correctly, chances are that your baby and dog will be best friends for life.

Before The Baby Comes

  • Alter your routine way before your due date so that it reflects what life would be like after the baby is born.
  • Walk often with stroller and dog. Mom and stroller go out the door first, followed by your dog.
  • Fill up the stroller with items of ‘baby scents’ like diapers, baby powder, and maybe a crying doll. Also include a doggie backpack loaded with snacks, water and toys. This will help show the dog she/he has an integral role to play with this new pack member.
  • Pretend a doll is your new baby. Hold it, rock it, dress it and so on. Every time the dog is behaving well around the doll (and, later, the baby), reward her/him. When the doll is not there, the treats are gone as well.

When the Baby Arrives

  • First impressions are important. Your dog should have pleasant experience with your baby right from the start.
  • Introduce a blanket with the actual baby’s scent. Do this before bringing the baby home from the hospital. The dog must get used to the smell of the baby in and around the house.
  • It is essential to stay calm and relaxed when you and the baby enter the house. Speak to your dog in a soft but cheerful voice as you walk into the house.
  • Do not yell at your dog. Remember, you want her to associate the baby with good things, not your displeasure or fear.
  • Choose a quiet room, and sit down with the baby in your arms. Have a helper leash your dog and bring her into the room. Make sure your dog is well-exercised beforehand, so that he/she is relaxed when he/she enters the room.
  • Let your dog sniff the baby’s feet for a couple of seconds. Then gently interrupt her investigation by praising her and asking her to sit or lie down. Treat her/him for being a good dog. (Repeat this sequence a number of times, till you find the dog to be comfortable around the baby).

Daily Life with baby & dog

  • Never leave your baby and dog together unattended. No matter how calm and meek your dog is.
  • Pay attention to your dog when the baby is around. Feed them at the same time. When you take your dog for a walk, include your baby as well. Baby backpacks and slings are very useful for pet parents.
  • Establish boundaries around the nursery. Teach your dog to understand that there is a barrier that she/he may not cross without your permission.

Once a little older, teach your child not to bother the dog, yank her tail,  or pull her ears etc.  It is imperative that these lessons on mutual respect should begin as early as possible.

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