Dos & Don’ts during Pregnancy


Congratulations!!! You are pregnant! Now is the time for major changes, be it physically, mentally or financially. Certain changes must be made to your daily routine and eating habits to ascertain the health of the unborn. The well-being of the baby is completely dependent on the good health of the mother. Following are some of the steps that will ensure a healthy mother and child. Please be advised that before following any of these steps, please consult your physician.

Morning Sickness is common during the first trimester, so it is advisable to avoid nausea triggers as much as possible. Ginger ale/ginger tea also helps to keep the nausea under control.

Avoid spicy and rich food. These can cause indigestion and other stomach related issues. Also, it is imperative that you eat healthy small regular meals.  Upon advice from your health care practitioner, your daily diet should have the following:

  • Calcium from food sources
  • Vitamin D & Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Folic acid and protein rich food or supplements (as suggested by your doctor)

Over-the-counter medications should be avoided as much as possible.

Smoking, alcohol & caffeine intake if reduced would be better for the child. These items increase the chances of miscarriage and other severe health issues with the new born.

Drink plenty of fluids and take small frequent breaks.

Too much or no exercise is not good during your pregnancy, so without stressing yourself beyond the limit, exercising in moderation is healthy. For example; small walks or joining a pre natal fitness class. Discuss with your doctor regarding how much is required and exercise accordingly.

Be sure to not miss out your pre natal appointments.

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