Why babies become cranky and cry???

We all almost have answer to this most encountered situation “why do kids cry? Why are they cranky?”

Some would say she is hungry, while for some it could be soiled diaper or bloated tummy or pain or just being sleepy… OR to an extremist it could be she cries because she feels like crying or she cries for no reason.

Some babies don’t cry but they stay cranky for no reason. They would just scream or keep calling you while you are managing other things at home. This can be really frustrating. Why does a baby get so annoying for her mother?

Ever struck to your mind that they get bored too? Yea they do. One can notice this situation as soon as the baby is three months old. Now how do we deal with this situation? Every child is different. They can’t be handled same way.

At six months my daughter loves to play with an empty water bottle. She easily spends half an hour at one go. I now know such random things I’ve to give her when she starts to cry (without a reason). Give your child a lot of monitored independent time with few toys or things that keeps them playing and busy.

After that half an hour of “me and my bottle time” I give her some talking time. Yes I talk to her a lot.

You can cut down on the cranky period by some hours if you give them things of their choice and not of yours. Some kids are happy playing with useless things lying at home instead of expensive and beautiful toys. Give them exposure but mostly give them an option to making choices.

We all mothers need some me-time and only a happy and busy baby can give you that!!!


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