Being the Role Model

Most of us follow a set pattern of parenting learnt from our own parents or elders undoubtedly following the method, which may or may not be right. Some follow their friend’s or neighbour’s advice while a few wish for a manual in parenting. We have a few interesting insights about parenting issues and some useful tips to ease such troubles.

  1. Phone Addiction: cell-phone-addictionParents are the child’s biggest role models. They copy your actions, words and etiquette. By nudging your kid away while chatting on the phone, you are giving him the idea that the phone is more important. Keeping the phone by your side all day gives kids the impression that the phone is a very important object and therefore, whenever they get their hands on one, they get glued to it – playing games, texting or watching videos. Similarly, some of us prefer our kid to play games on our phone so that we can have a peaceful dinner at a restaurant, without realising we are causing more harm than good for the child and ourselves. Let go of the phone addiction yourself so that your child may be free of it!
  2. Idiot Box: Most kids are glued to the T.V. and the reason is that their parents let them! Set a time limit – 30 minutes of T.V. should be allowed each day and never give in to their tantrums. You may make exceptions on weekend but monitor what your child watches stressing on informative and knowledgeable shows. This habit may take a while to get cultivated but once set, much shall change for the better.
  3. Ignores the Mother: Very often we find grandparents intervening while the mother disciplines or the father giving levy to the child. This makes the child think that the mother isn’t important and is not to be taken seriously. Every family must avoid doing so and begin respecting the mother in front of the child.
  4. Swear Words:swear-words Kids pickup what they hear often and if you find your kid swearing, you need to question yourself if it is because of you or the neighbourhood. Kids overhear parents swearing at other commuters, they hear servants, vendors or neighbours abusing or cursing others and pick up such words instantly and repeat them without understanding. Whatever the source, it needs to be stopped immediately.
  5. Emotional Blackmail: Kids know how to get their way – if the mother denies them a particular toy or a T.V. show, they may approach their father. If he denies too, they run to the grandparents. They cry, sulk or throw tantrums and finally get what they want. Stand your ground and do not succumb to their emotional blackmail as once they get their way, they shall repeat it all their lives.

Being strict about the rules yet being loving parents is what kids really need us to be. Set rules and consequences but never refrain from expressing your love to your child, because after all, you are your child’s best role model.

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