Swaddling the baby

There are quite a few ways to swaddle your baby. Here is a description of the Dr. Harvey Karp’s DUDU (Down, Up, Down, Up) Swaddle. This is basically the same swaddle that has been used in hospitals after your child is born.


So new mommies, it will take a little practice to perfect the swaddling, until then here is how it is done!

  • Lay a blanket on a flat surface like a diamond. & fold the top corner about 6 inches to form a straight line. Place the baby on her back so that the straight edge is at her shoulder level.
  • Fold the first side across baby, rolling him over to tuck firmly in behind his back. Ensure his arm is straight, inside the wrap! If not, he will escape! Pull wrap snug around the neck, by pulling wrap on the opposite side.
  • Fold the bottom corner of the wrap up and tuck well under the unfolded shoulder. If this step isn’t done, the baby can push out the top of the wrap, kick off bedcovers and loosen the wrap. Do not force the legs to be straight or make the wrap very tight around the legs. Froggy position for the most natural position and reduces any small risk of hip problems.
  • This is the trickiest step. Ensure 2nd arm is straight.Fold the 2nd corner down over the shoulder, making a nice tight v-neck on the chest with the first shoulder.
  • Hold the V-neck firm with your left hand, while wrapping the rest of the wrap across the front of baby with your right hand, and round behind.


Things to pay attention before swaddling the baby

  • It is imperative that you learn how to swaddle correctly. Incorrect swaddling may loosen the joints and damage the soft cartilage of the hip sockets, leading to hip dysplasia. To prevent this, ensure that there is enough room at the bottom of the blanket so that your baby can bend her legs up and out from her body.
  • Choose a fabric appropriate to the season for swaddling as the wrap counts as a layer of clothing!
  • The swaddle should be tight; else you will have a Houdini baby in your hand.
  • Once the baby is 2 months old or more, please re consider if the baby still needs swaddling. If confused then please check with t pediatrician.

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