Puppies & Children – Benefits & Responsibilities

Most kids love puppies and most puppies love children as well. Pets are important in children’s lives as they provide enjoyment and benefit the child’s physical and psychological development. Studies worldwide has shown that children who grow up with pets

  • Have higher self esteem
  • Have better communication & social skills
  • Are more likely to be physically active, and less likely to be overweight or obese
  • Develop a more caring and kind attitude
  • Have a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Have fewer minor illnesses and complaints

Families with pets must keep the following point in mind as well

  • The dog must be treated with love and respect. He/she is not a toy but a living being with feeling and gets hurt and jealous as well.
  • Like your child, your dog will need your love, attention, after care and medical care when necessary.
  • Consider all possible angles before getting the dog like the expense and commitment. It is a big no-no that you abandon your pet because he/she eats a lot and you cannot afford it (or for any other reason).
  • Do ample research, and only then if you believe that you and your family are ready for a pet, should you get one.

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