Building positive relations with your child

Families, in which both partners work, lesser time is spent with children thus affecting the parent-child relationship. Here are a few steps which shall not only renew relationships but will also help in maintaining a happy and strong bond with your children.

  1. Treat your child as your friend: That certainly doesn’t mean they make mistakes and get away with it but you treat their mistakes as your own, find a solution to the problem and fix it. You need to explain the consequences of their actions without letting them feel ashamed or guilty.
  2. Be your child’s ‘go-to’ person: Make your children confide in you and let them know that no matter how right or wrong they are, they can always trust you or seek whatever help they need to make things right.
  3. Be a live example: Narrate stories of your past – your strife, study or work related memories, emotional stuff or your social life. It will be your best communication with a child, friendly yet specific. This is how they shall learn about problem solving and consequences. While you will be opening up your treasured memories to them, your children will be finding a friend in you.
  4. Don’t isolate them for behaving badly: Make rules and see that they are followed but if not, guide your children with positive solutions. Never make them feel isolated as it will bring out negativity towards you.
  5. Facing consequences: Keep your child’s age in mind before you let him face the consequences of his bad behaviour. Keep it short yet effective.
  6. Stay connected: It is very important to be in touch. Schedule a dedicated story hour every other day, play games or go to the beach. Spending quality time together is important, be it at home our outside
  7. Make things together: Working together has its own fun. While you get to know more about his likes and dislikes, let him know his opinions do matter. Do some gardening, bake a cake together or enrol yourselves in a nature conservation program. Gradually your children will think of you both as a team which will turn fruitful in your daily life as well.
  8. Be their greatest cheerleader: Let them know that you are proud to have them. By adding value to their efforts, you shall be encouraging them for better performance while making them feel worthy, capable and loved.
  9. Take them out often: Whenever possible, take them with you to the supermarket, to the tailor, mechanic or wherever they may learn something new. Each time shall be a new experience for them since they will get to learn a new word or concept apart from social skills.
  10. Undivided attention: It is very important that sometimes you catch up with your child alone to know if all is well with them. They may not be vocal about everything with siblings around.

By letting your child trust you, you are bound to share a lovely parent-child bond which shall only grow stronger over the years. Always be authentic and never shy away from answering their questions. Let them count on you for honest and reliable information. Let them find a friend in you whom they can confide in without the fear of being judged or punished.

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