30 minutes work out session for moms


Maintaining a strict workout routine may seem harrowing especially for busy moms. Juggling a job, children, home can become so overwhelming that squeezing in workouts can seem like an impossible task.

What we have here for you is a set of 4 workouts that will totally take 30 minutes of your time and will keep you fit and energetic for the rest of the day. It is advisable that you work out early in the morning before you start your chores.

Push Ups

Wall push upsWall-Pushup

  • Place both your hands on a wall slightly wider than your shoulder width
  • Kick your legs out and stretch your body till you are on your toes.
  • Push forward towards the wall using the balance of your core and hands, and then push back to the original position. This completes one set.
  • Repeat this till you are confident enough to move to the counter push up

Counter Push UpsCounter-Push-Up

  • Use a chair (make sure its stationary) or anyhorizontal surface at the right height would do.
  • Position yourself on this surface.
  • Use that balance to push yourself up and down while balancing on your toes.
  • Once you are sure that you have mastered this, then move up to Half Push Ups

Half Push Upshalf push ups

  • Place your knees on the matand your knees on the ground (like getting down on your fours)
  • Lower your body to the ground just like in a normal pushup pose but your knees support you for more balance)
  • Keep doing these pushups until you can do around 10-15 sets
  • Once you know that you can do this without being winded out, move on to the standard push-ups.

Standard Push UpsStandard-Push-Up_labeled-copy

  • Get into plank position, with your hands under but slightly outside of your shoulders.
  • Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.
  • As you lower yourself, tuck your elbows, pulling them close to your body
  • Pause, then push back to the starting position

Triceps DipsTriceps-Dips

  • Reverse table top position fingers facing your heels
  • Hips should remain lifted (ensure that the hips are not far away from your fingers)
  • Lower your body down bending your elbows then pressing right back up. This is a complete set.
  • Make sure you are bending your elbows and not just your hips while working out.
  • Try to complete 15 sets for this to take effect on your body.


Narrow Squatssquats

  • Start with feet shoulder width apart and toes facing forward.
  • Fold your hands in front of you (like you are praying) and gaze up towards the sky, lifting your chest nice and high.
  • Slowly bend your knees while placing your weight through your heels and sit back (as if you are sitting on a chair)
  • Keep your head and chest upright and slide your hands down your thigh; stop where your elbows meet your knees.
  • Pause for 5 seconds and come up slowly. Remember to pressure your heels when you come up.
  • Remember to keep your back straight, as rounding it will put unnecessary pressure on the spine.
  • Try to perform 3 sets of 15 reps to get the maximum out of this work out.

Sumo SquatsSumo-Squat-Series

  • Start with your feet 6-12 inches wider than your shoulder and toes pointed to a 45 degree angle.
  • Fold your hands in front of you (like you are praying) and gaze up towards the sky, lifting your chest nice and high.
  • Slowly bend your knees while placing your weight through your heels and sit back (as if you are sitting on a chair)
  • Lower your hips till your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Pause for 5 seconds and come up slowly. Remember to pressure your heels when you come up.
  • Remember to keep your back straight, as rounding it will put unnecessary pressure on the spine.


  • Stretch your legs out straight and hold your arms outstretched at your sides.
  • Place your hands behind your head. You can interlock your fingers if you desire.
  • Raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground, and your calves are parallel to the ground. Keep your feet together.
  • Now lift your head up and touch your right elbow to the left knee while pulling your knee up towards your head. At the same time, straighten your right leg, keeping it several inches off of the floor (as if you are pedaling a bicycle).
  • As you lift your head, tense your abs. Use your abdominal muscles to crunch your body forward so that your elbow can reach your knee.
  • Be sure to keep your elbows back, rather than bringing them forward toward your chest, which could strain your neck.
  • Now touch your left elbow to your right knee. At the same time, straighten your left leg, keeping it off of the floor. Don’t forget to tighten the abs. This completes 1 set.
  • Try to perform 3 sets of 10 reps. Rest between sets.


Image Courtesy – urbanwired.com, stylecraze.com, popsugar.com, aleanlifeblog.wordpress.com, pinterest.com, dawnastone.com

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